Real Drive: I Have Exactly One Thing To Say About Real Drive 7

And that one thing is: DOG MOE.

But not just ANY old dog.


My thoughts exactly, Nyamo.

He can even take a bath!


Kid tested, Nyamo approved!

So, yeah, episode 7 of Real Drive (I’ve taken to referring to it as Real Nyamo with my friends, if only because Nyamo is awesome) was a ton of fun, and, as a devout fan of dogs, I quite loved it (see above), and its touching message about the relationship between man and animal, but I have to admit that it was a total fluff episode. So you get this post instead. I am going to go watch 8 now. There might be a more serious post to come but not necessarily!!

P.S.: I don’t care what you say, Real Drive is awesome. It may not be the most potent science fiction anime out there (especially not one with Shirow’s name attached), but who cares. It’s a ton of fun. As I commented to a friend earlier today: Reading/watching/listening to something is about entertainment first. Intellectual stimulation is a bonus, but I would like to point out that intellectual stimulation can and frequently does crop up in the strangest places. For instance, I could talk about the inversion of the Holmes/Watson relationship in this episod

Okay that’s enough of that.

6 Responses to “Real Drive: I Have Exactly One Thing To Say About Real Drive 7”

  1. 1 cuchlann 27 June 2008 at 11:13 pm

    Actually, I’ve argued before that “intellectual stimulation” is simply another form of entertainment, like good plotting or cute characters. Basically, “bonus,” as you said.

    Also, I watched this episode earlier today as well. So weird. You’re right, it’s partly about the relationship between dogs and people, but it’s also about the people who take that relationship too far, when it’s completely not necessary.

  2. 2 OGT 27 June 2008 at 11:30 pm

    It is simply another form of entertainment. I didn’t mean to imply that it somehow wasn’t, but, well, there you go. My only intent was to point out that something doesn’t necessarily have to set out to be deep and thought-provoking to be good, and that you get out of something what you put into it (see previous Real Drive post).

    My only problem with “intellectual stimulation” as entertainment is when that’s all something offers in the way of entertainment–when that’s the case, it becomes (for me) extremely hit or miss, and mostly miss. I still can’t figure out how to explain “I would like this” versus “I would not like this” in a manner that is sensible to at least me, though, so I don’t know what else to say about it.

  3. 3 EvilDevil 28 June 2008 at 12:34 am

    uurrgg… God, i need my insulin…

  4. 4 mehdi 28 June 2008 at 7:34 am

    it’s like underdog :-)

  5. 5 anon 17 August 2009 at 2:34 am

    dude, that’s not a sherlock holmes hat.

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