Archive for the 'rosario + vampire' Category

SURPRISE! Rosario + Vampire Has Fanservice!

That has got to hurt.

Yes, I’m following up a post on Ookiku Furikabutte with Rosario + Vampire, which is a show about…panties. And more panties. And hamster-esque things with bat wings that announce that they are bats to the viewer. They do not have panties, but every other female in the show does. And boy, do you get to know that fact fast.

Seriously, that was a lot of panties. The show doesn’t shirk from the fact that it’s totally trashy and meant for a puerile audience. We didn’t even get thirty seconds into the first episode before there were two pantyshots. From a girl who has no name, and will not ever have a name since she existed for the sole purpose of flashing the viewer with panties. Twice. I’m dead serious when I say Rosario + Vampire is utterly shameless.

That may be, perhaps, why it’s moderately amusing in the first episode. The whole episode felt like the author of the original manga knew that he was writing a trashy manga, and so he just didn’t even bother trying to hide things and just made crap up. I’m certain that it’s only in anime-land where a school named “Youkai Gakuen” does not sound creepy and ominous to someone. I’m certain that most romance comedies don’t have declarations of love 12 minutes into the first episode. I’m pretty sure that is one hell of a long tongue that orc-person had. And his saliva looks suspicious…

I expected absolutely nothing but fanservice from this series, and that is exactly what I ended up with. The first episode was moderately amusing, mostly due to the fact that, again, I got the major impression that it just didn’t take itself seriously. It could have been a little more over-the-top, I guess, but it’s decent enough. At least it’s something to watch this semester when my brain is shot from my senior thesis and I need a spot of panties to get me through the day. It’s like tea for the British.


I cannot understand those that take anime seriously, but I can love them, and I do. Out of my love I warn them to keep clear of this blog.

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