Tytania: The Taste of Defeat is…COFFEE

And the visage of victory is drunk, apparently. Or just delusional. This being Tytania, though, I’ll wager both.

It’s been a while since I last touched an episode of Legend of Galactic Heroes (I’ve left off somewhere in the 70s at least a year and a half ago and will be forced to go back to the 50s to restart the current arc because there’s no way in hell I’ll be able to remember all that happened), so I had been missing the spectacle of giant space fleet combat. I was most pleased to see LoGH-style spacecraft rendered with modern-day production values, and equally impressed by the same overly elaborate retro-futuristic spacecraft bridge design as from The Animanachronism was. I wager that Tytania has much, much better scenes in this regard than LoGH did, if only because LoGH had the (lamentable) self-control to keep the Prussian opulence and extravagant tea pouring (the best part was when he issued a command to purchase the entire planet the tea came from after one small, hesitant sip) off the bridge.

LoGH also had the self-control to not have Oberstein jab a sword through spaceships in a highly symbolic moment in the OP. That has to be the best part of the OP. No, really.

Even more fun, our intrepid not-really-a-hero hero this time around is almost the diametric opposite of the cool, calm, and collected Yang Wenli: Fan Hyulick. For one, his name is infinitely sillier (this is a pro); for two, whereas Yang was quiet and reserved and very much an intellectual (he just wanted to be a history professor :( ), Fan is boisterous, bawdy, and seemingly a dolt. The mood is very much set through the overexaggerated opulence and evilness of the Tytania clan that Tytania as a series will probably be much lighter in mood than Legend of Galactic Heroes (which, itself, was played with the same straight-faced-ness, it was just less ludicrously amusing in the way Tytania seems to be) even if it goes on to address important issues in galactic politics.

It’s hard to tell at this point exactly how Tytania will proceed, but at 26 episodes, it’ll be a much quicker watch than the infamously long Legend of Galactic Heroes. It’s sillier, yes–but I’m also finding it just as legitimately intriguing (to the extent one can be at two episodes) as LoGH was, it’s just amped up the space opera pulp-ish-ness factor to make it even more awesome. And, barring nothing else, Tytania will probably give me the impetus needed to join others in finally finishing Legend of Galactic Heroes. Has someone printed up a T-shirt that announces (in German, of course) that one has finished Heldensagen vom Kosmosinsel? If not, can someone do this? If not, can those people who were making custom Free Planets Alliance jackets make a lot more so I can pay $300 to look like Yang Wenli?

4 Responses to “Tytania: The Taste of Defeat is…COFFEE”

  1. 1 The Animanachronism 20 October 2008 at 3:25 am

    Custom FPA jackets, eh? Reminds me of the guy who had a real life Union Flagann made up.

    Good point about Tytania being potentially a more light-hearted story; I’d noticed how Fan is in some ways much closer to Olivier Poplan than Yang, but I hadn’t processed that and read it back onto the series as a whole.

    Personally I’m hoping that it’s only nominally 26 episodes, with an ending which effectively says ‘This was only the first season. Of five.’ But that’s more hope than expectation, and I suppose a perfectly fine story can be fitted into 26 episodes . . .

  2. 2 kuromitsu 20 October 2008 at 4:52 am

    Rather than worrying about the length (after all, in Tytania’s case there’s only three volumes’ worth of story to adapt whereas LoGH is 10 volumes long), I’m more interested to see how it’s going to end, since the novel series is unfinished and has been for ~10 years. I suppose the writers will have to make up an ending on their own…

  3. 3 cuchlann 20 October 2008 at 4:55 am

    I wonder if I’ll have time tomorrow to watch the second episode… Sigh.

  4. 4 otou-san 23 October 2008 at 3:45 pm

    I wonder sometimes if I’ll ever finish LoGH, probably not. Tytania does seem more light-hearted but I get the same foppish thrill.

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